SeaStar swimming school

Swimming lessons for Buchs, Rupperswil, Erlinsbach

Learning through play

The world of swimming

Our SeaStar swimming school is located in the magical Telli indoor pool in Aarau - the perfect place to introduce children to the world of swimming in a fun and safe way!
Beginners & advanced

Great program for children aged 5 and over

Dear parents, we understand how important it is that your children not only learn to swim, but also develop enjoyment and confidence in the water. At SeaStar, we offer a comprehensive program for children from the age of 5, for beginners as well as advanced swimmers.

Experienced swimming instructors

Our qualified and caring swimming instructors are not only experts in their field, but also empathetic companions for the little water rats.

For the Aarau region

Our swimming lessons and swimming school are aimed at interested parties in Buchs, Rupperswil, Niedergösgen, Unterentfelden, Oberentfelden, Erlinsbach and beyond.

Small learning groups

In order to guarantee individual attention, we deliberately keep the classes small. This allows us to respond to the needs of each child and create a trusting learning atmosphere.

The joy of learning

At SeaStar, fun should not be neglected. Through age-appropriate games and activities, we integrate playful elements into our lessons and motivate the children to feel comfortable in the water.

Finding trust

Beginners' courses for all ages

Even those who have never been to a swimming pool before are very welcome here. In our beginners' courses, children not only learn the basics of swimming, but also gain confidence in the element of water.

Individual learning progress

Our swimming courses are designed to allow each child to progress at their own pace. From basic swimming techniques to advanced skills, we offer a clear progression of learning.

Safety as the top priority

We place great emphasis on teaching water awareness and life-saving skills to ensure a safe environment in and around the water.

E-mail address


+41 79 931 53 75

Developing a love of water

The fascinating world of swimming

Dear parents, join us on your children's journey into the fascinating world of swimming. Swimming lessons and swimming school are easily accessible for you in Buchs, Rupperswil, Niedergösgen, Unterentfelden, Oberentfelden, Erlinsbach and beyond. SeaStar promises not only instructive lessons, but also a warm community in which your children will feel at home and develop a lasting love of the water. Let's discover the joy of swimming together!